
Classes & Events – Alphabetical

For now, see Schedule instead of the following. (More accurate, and perhaps easier to read.)








If you haven’t read the introduction, see Start Here.
To Register : Message on social media (links at top right) or danceorangeville@gmail.com / 416-763-6565

Seeing all the classes in this draft schedule may feel overwhelming – and we’re still adding classes – Saturday mornings, etc.. With the exception of classes which require athletic ability (breakdancing, capoeira and contemporary floorwork, swing aerials, contact improv flying and falling), we encourage everyone to come to all the classes. At the end of each class you can film the class summary. Even if you don’t fully absorb the class, if you also come to the social dances you will find yourself growing as a dancer – with skills from the classes entering your dancing. We’re offering this particular set of classes because we produce performances. You may decide you want to perform with us, or not. Either way you’re social dancing will grow. Coming to social dances will grow your freedom and comfort and thus your performing ability.


Alphabetical list below. You may prefer:
Calendar – monthly (not yet updated)
List – chronological (not yet updated) – with descriptions and posters.

On a phone? Rotate it.

[gdoc key=”https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1mOGoKxtmylJMdmmQaIkhABDN6qkKEthMACSTr8FSLqw/edit#gid=262310032″ datatables_paging=”false” query=”select A, B, C, D, R, G” csv_headers=1]

You may want to read Class Descriptions.

Want classes in Shelburne, Hockley Village, …? Want other days / times / styles? Click What’s Your Wish?

Where can you practice? Come to regular events like “Follow Your Bliss”. Also: excellent music playlists – featuring the dance style’s classic songs/”tracks” and current hits – are available to students for practicing at home. (You can even adjust the speed!) If you want open practice sessions dedicated to a specific style, let us know.    

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