


Our teachers attempt to consider the physical limitations of all participants, and may suggest modifications of movements for some students, but although we may in some ways be more aware of a student’s movement than the student themselves, in other ways the student has greater awareness (sensation; experience in your body), so in order for us to accept people as students, they need to accept ultimate responsibility for their safety.

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First and Last Names:


I know I can choose to not follow an instruction, if I have any concern that the movement may put me at risk. I will let my teacher know if injuries or other physical limitations may interfere with my ability to do what the teacher requests. I acknowledge that physical activity, especially but not limited to new or unusual movements (new/unusual relative to me), carries inherent risks, even with moves that seem easy.

I take responsibility for all risks (including both foreseeable and non-foreseeable risks) arising from or in any way connected with my participation in dance lessons provided by Jonathon Neville / Dance Orangeville (including assistant, substitute and other teachers of classes produced by Dance Orangeville).
I release Jonathon Neville / Dance Orangeville and assistant, substitute, and special guest / other teachers from all liability and claims arising out of, incidental to, or in any way connected with my participation in any dance lessons.

Without releasing my rights regarding the safety of the premises, I release the venue (the location for the lessons / dance events) from all liability regarding dancing.

I, __________________________________, have read and understood the terms and conditions of this indemnity clause.

I had time to consider this waiver before committing to attend the class. Initials: ______

Signature of Participant:

Date: Location (Town):