A dance where both / all people are following. Following what? The moving point of balance; momentum. You’re also following your impulse, which is to say anyone can inject moments of leading. Can be slow or fast, simple or athletic. It can be like partner tai chi (but generally without any hint of combat), like partner gymnastics (but improvised), like partner yoga (but generally moving), like acro yoga (but with the base also moving, and roles frequently organically switching / dissolving), like intimate tango (Argentine, not ballroom), etc. Duos, trios, and more. A somatic practice; a movement meditation. No partner required.
I put together a one-minute video. Turn sound on. Click bottom-right of video to make it full-screen.
I hope advanced moves don’t intimidate you – beginner basics are wonderful to learn.
The more people who express interest, the more we’ll offer this wonderful dance, so let us know if you want more classes. Currently scheduled:
Monday Feb 5 (2024), 7-8 pm, at Westminster United Church, 247 Broadway.
Related: Freestyle Partnering (last year, but we’ll run it again upon request)
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