
Don’t Try this at Home

Don’t Try this at Home

Dance Orangeville teaches something for everyone.  The awesome movement in this video may not be for you, but I’m confident you’ll love seeing it.  I’m also confident you would LOVE exploring gentle simple exercises which can be practiced and richly enjoyed by truly virtually anyone, you included.  In any case:

Don’t try this at home. Come to class.
Circus gymnastics meets Contact Improv dance. 
In some ways, this video is the opposite of Contact Improv.  In C.I., roles switch on-the-fly and everything is spontaneous and serendipitous.  Both circus and CI are based on earned trust – in yourself at least as much as your partner.  Both/all dancers always have freedom – we’re never gripped or controlled by even well-intended partners.  It’s a dance of listening, with both people following the moving point of balance between the dancers, while also honouring impulses to follow whatever you want to explore.  

I’m not an expert at circus gymnastics – I can do and teach many swing aerials and tricks, but most of the circus gymnastics skills below are far beyond my abilities.  Still, if you want to get perhaps 1/3 of the way towards what they do, come to class.  “Contact Improv”.  Contact me with any questions or if you want to suggest a schedule and location.